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picture1_Business Spread Sheet 42790 | Ch 6 Ppt

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File: Business Spread Sheet 42790 | Ch 6 Ppt
6 1 becoming an 6 1 becoming an entrepreneur entrepreneur goal 1 identify characteristics of successful entrepreneurs goal 2 recognize the importance of entrepreneurship in the economy goal 3 describe ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Becoming an entrepreneur goal identify characteristics of successful entrepreneurs recognize the importance entrepreneurship in economy describe opportunities and risks slide cengage learning all rights reserved c h a p t e r key terms individual that is risk taker innovator business creative risky confident oriented motivated hard working unproven idea little management experience long hours with no guarantee profit principles venture capital money provided by large investors to finance new products businesses have good chance be very profitable innovation brand creation or invention improvements significant design change addition on existing product small less than employees typically just few people not owners managers are unique skills personal owner usually manager only locations serves market reasons most fail lack keeping adequate records...

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