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picture1_Business Spread Sheet 42781 | 904471 Dss Ch5

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File: Business Spread Sheet 42781 | 904471 Dss Ch5
learning objectives describe the issues in management of data understand the concepts and use of dbms learn about data warehousing and data marts explain business intelligence business analytics examine how ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Learning objectives describe the issues in management of data understand concepts and use dbms learn about warehousing marts explain business intelligence analytics examine how decision making can be improved through manipulation interaction betwixt web database technologies are used impact on prentice hall support systems intelligent th edition turban aronson liang information knowledge items that most elementary descriptions things events activities transactions may internal or external organized has meaning value processed conveys understanding applicable to a problem activity raw collected manually by instruments quality is critical determines usefulness contextual intrinsic accessibility representation often neglected casually handled problems exposed when summarized cleanse populating warehouse action plan best practices for measure results integrity uniformity version completeness check conformity...

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