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picture1_Company Presentation Template 42613 | Keegan Gm4 Ch13

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File: Company Presentation Template 42613 | Keegan Gm4 Ch13
global marketing communications the primary purpose of marketing communications is to tell customers abut the benefits and values that a company product or service offers integrated marketing communications imc is ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Global marketing communications the primary purpose of is to tell customers abut benefits and values that a company product or service offers integrated imc becoming more popular because challenges communicating across national borders prentice hall advertising any sponsored paid message communicated in non personal way single country regional use same appeals messages art copy photographs stories video segments multiple markets standardization vs adaptation question must specific media strategy be changed from region four difficulties compromise an organization s communication efforts may not get through intended recipient reach target audience but understood even misunderstood still induce take action desired by sender effectiveness can impaired noise eighteen year olds paris have common with new york than their own parents they buy products go movies listen music sip colas merely works on premise william roedy director mtv europe...

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