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picture1_Business Spread Sheet 42565 | Manajemen Strategik

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File: Business Spread Sheet 42565 | Manajemen Strategik
identifikasi alternatif strategi pertumbuhan terkonsentrasi concentrated growth market penetration pengembangan pasar market development pengembangan produk product development diversifikasi konsentrik concentric diversification diversifikasi konglomerat conglomerate diversification inovasi innovation integrasi horisontal horizontal ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Identifikasi alternatif strategi pertumbuhan terkonsentrasi concentrated growth market penetration pengembangan pasar development produk product diversifikasi konsentrik concentric diversification konglomerat conglomerate inovasi innovation integrasi horisontal horizontal integration lanj vertikal vertical berbenah diri turnaround divestasi divestiture likuidasi liquidation usaha patungan joint venture aliansi strategik strategic alliances konsorsium consortia business competitive strategy should we compete on the basis of low cost differentiate our products or services some other than such as quality service head to with major competitors for biggest but most sought after share focus a niche in which can satisfy less also profitable segment bisnis berisi bersaing adalah pilihan kemampuan yang akan digunakan untuk advantage terjadi jika value diberikan kepada pelanggan melebihi ditawarkan oleh pesaing model dapat ansoff generic grand ie matrix space merespon dengan cepat berbagai macam...

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