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picture1_Company Presentation Template 42533 | Wpll9jkdme8ix2wflqv9lrdyvpnfdk13egue511k

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File: Company Presentation Template 42533 | Wpll9jkdme8ix2wflqv9lrdyvpnfdk13egue511k
of directors and board of commissioners  ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Waktu dan tempat penyelenggaraan rapat time and venue of meeting pt kedoya adyaraya tbk akan diadakan pada the will be held on hari day senin monday tanggal date januari january wib selesai finish multifunction room rs grha lantai jl panjang no rt rw utara jakarta barat dki indonesia mata acara agenda persetujuan atas perubahan susunan direksi dewan komisaris perseroan approval changes composition board directors commissioners company penjelasan explanation berdasarkan pasal jo anggaran dasar pengangkatan atau penggantian anggota diputuskan dalam umum pemegang saham rups dengan tetap memperhatikan peraturan otoritas jasa keuangan pojk tentang emiten perusahaan publik according to article s articles association appointment or replacement members shall approved by general shareholders gms with due observance financial services authority regulation concerning issuers public companies terima kasih thank you we could contacted corporate secretary grhakedoya com https th floor...

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