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picture1_Planning Spreadsheet 42445 | Sales Operation Planning

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File: Planning Spreadsheet 42445 | Sales Operation Planning
chapter objectives be able to distinguish among strategic planning tactical planning and detailed planning and control describe why sales and operations planning s op is important to an organization and ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Chapter objectives be able to distinguish among strategic planning tactical and detailed control describe why sales operations s op is important an organization its supply chain partners generate multiple alternative plans the differences between top down bottom up discuss strengths weaknesses of level chase mixed production strategies organizational issues that arise when firms decide incorporate into their efforts examine how can used coordinate activities apply optimization modeling techniques process involves considerations purpose select capacity options over intermediate time horizon workforces shifts overtime subcontracting inventories etc view short range plan long days weeks out months years levels changes in considered adjustable fixed frozen term possible continued outside frame inside big picture approach families or groups aggregation products resources technologies skills provide rough estimates...

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