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picture1_Building Slides In Powerpoint 42427 | Ppt By Mahesh M Bagavath Ips Cp Rachakonda

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File: Building Slides In Powerpoint 42427 | Ppt By Mahesh M Bagavath Ips Cp Rachakonda
stake holders intervention diligent rescue operations with3p s prevention protection and prosecution strategy source t i p transit destination role of police a p telangana model 2006 ind s16 project ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Stake holders intervention diligent rescue operations withp s prevention protection and prosecution strategy source t i p transit destination role of police a telangana model ind project unodc mha in states with bihar goa maharashtra west bengal ahtu formed at hyderabad eluru anantpur karimnagar guntur training capacity building officers men prosecutors sensitization judiciary human smuggling vs trafficking victim centric right based multi disciplinary approach missing children prompt registration cases lookout beyond too to break the cycle sex trade ipc offences added by criminal law amendment ordinance whoever for purpose exploitation recruits b transports c harbours d transfers or e receives person persons first using threats secondly force any other form coercion thirdly abduction fourthly practising fraud deception fifthly abuse power sixthly inducement including giving receiving payments benefits order achieve consent having control over recruited transported harboured transferre...

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