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picture1_Business Spread Sheet 42422 | Businessproposalpresentation 121118165252 Phpapp02

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File: Business Spread Sheet 42422 | Businessproposalpresentation 121118165252 Phpapp02
company name unify company ceo ferdinand balbin coo avelino curato web developer researcher daryll cabagay marketing dave madayag researchers cyril allen aileen tarife what is unify the unify company is ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Company name unify ceo ferdinand balbin coo avelino curato web developer researcher daryll cabagay marketing dave madayag researchers cyril allen aileen tarife what is the latest centralized website d eveloper in country today it a that incorporates e c ommerce websites for advertising and with caraga region partnership departm ent of tourism designed to bridge gap effectiv ely promoting established potenti al tourist destinations as well products ser vices offered by different business firms problems addressed compan y there no re gion serve portal where tourists people can use locate choose fr om wel l services provided bu siness individual has less chance be visited thus gen erating income solutions building gis applicatio n will help car aga effectively advertisi ng which adheres do depart ment making spot f or department providing leaflets containing th information given i areas like airports sea ports them t o visit sites tool guide all throughout their visitation figure shows ho...

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