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picture1_Business Spread Sheet 42413 | Bi Tools Open Forum072508

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File: Business Spread Sheet 42413 | Bi Tools Open Forum072508
agenda project goals and objectives what s in scope roles and assigned staff high level timeline why dashboards bi tools capability demo q a 2 project goals the primary goal ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Agenda project goals and objectives what s in scope roles assigned staff high level timeline why dashboards bi tools capability demo q a the primary goal of business intelligence upgrade is to replace brio query with web enabled oracle enterprise edition obiee toolset by no later than december secondary establish strategy funding for ongoing its support plan rolling out supporting additional analytics convert all delivered repository queries equivalent requests implement process oriented which provide interactive as well simple report content end user insure successful implementation use tool training users integrate application existing environment authentication cas ldap account provisioning polydata data warehouse roll reach base make sure we understand current uses arrange based on related common processes e g financial budget analysis class enrollment or salary value added deliver via an dashboard simplified each security need access perform particular underlying such dept where n...

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