File: Mobile App Presentation Ppt 42359 | Android Slides
android an open handset alliance project http code google com android write apps to run on mobile phones will be released as open source can download the sdk today android ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Android an open handset alliance project http code google com write apps to run on mobile phones will be released as source can download the sdk today features application framework dalvik virtual machine integrated webkit browser d and graphics apis with hw sqlite video audio codecs bluetooth edge g wifi camera gps compass accelerometer architecture challenges cpu typically runs mhz ram available app may only a few megabytes disk flash access is very slow lifecycle must pause quit often restore give illusion that they are always running ui design o typical screen hvga x in portrait or landscape high dpi small text not readable touch resolution low pixel network intermittent opportunities s of millions phone users growth esp asia wild west development think desktop if you were born by then no dominant rd party developers yet what killer categories does it mean have any internet your pocket develop for...