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picture1_Project Management Spread Sheet 42316 | Iot Conference Oct14

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File: Project Management Spread Sheet 42316 | Iot Conference Oct14
internet of things iot internet of things iot 4th international conference on the internet of things 2 smart grid local project 4th international conference on the internet of things 3 ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Internet of things iot th international conference on the smart grid local project enabling technologies needed rfid power for sensors mobile and phones nanoscience miniaturization objects intelligence robotics mm communication standardization protocols security ipv zigbee others big data cloud now bad guy drones californium paper page author matthias kovatsch eth a systems architecture redesign scalable services based coap multi core server to provide centralized exchange management independent concurrency model cores...

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