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picture1_Electronic Spread Sheet 42297 | 336270 Screenless Display The Reality Of Future 3e8e122a

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File: Electronic Spread Sheet 42297 | 336270 Screenless Display The Reality Of Future 3e8e122a
proceedings of vescomm 2016 th 4 national conference on recent trendes in vlsi embeded system signal processing and communication in association with the institution of engineers india and ijrpet february ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Proceedings of vescomm th national conference on recent trendes in vlsi embeded system signal processing and communication association with the institution engineers india ijrpet february paper id screenless display reality future ms pradnya shinde ashwini kharat krishnapradnya gmail com kharatashwini annasahabdange college engineering technology ashta sangli electronic telecommunication abstract visual image this includes a review about retinal or virtual it describes synaptic interface direct neural that enables transmission video data without using screen source light can be divided into backgroung basic working types groups principle illustrates principal advantages type less our eye disadvantages also perceives images are formed air application any kind screens one well is new emerging still known example hologram under progress holographic messages from movie star wars become true now uses keywords laser optic nerve raster thus reflected intermediate object pattern captured anoth...

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