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picture1_Business Spread Sheet 42289 | Md Cris Itworkshoppresentation

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File: Business Spread Sheet 42289 | Md Cris Itworkshoppresentation
indian railways a sunrise industry railways in india a sunrise industry indian railways a super navaratna the indian railways ir is a truly great institution it is a global giant ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Indian railways a sunrise industry in india super navaratna the ir is truly great institution it global giant that operates profitably effectively and with relatively little government support mckinsey company today s business challenges increased operational efficiency improve productivity from existing systems streamline optimize procedures responsiveness to constituents create end visibility into make information accessible actionable adaptability change re act quickly threats opportunities turn competitive asset current issues higher demand for freight passenger transport planned economic growth need capacity enhancement railway network over next years technological uprgadation better maintenance of assets greater competition roadways major investments highway upgradation increase market share through availability services at prices attention safety heavily subsidised fares distorted pricing production units improved using technology large complex infrastructure system such as can ...

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