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picture1_Excel Sample Sheet 41828 | Propane Pressure Vessel Spreadsheet

 211x       Filetype XLSX       File size 0.28 MB       Source: www.technicalsafetybc.ca

File: Excel Sample Sheet 41828 | Propane Pressure Vessel Spreadsheet
sheet 1 tab 1 instructions bc safety authority pressure vessel data entry worksheet summary of report contents tab 1 general information instructions this tab tab 2 bcsa internal use report ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 15 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet tab instructions bc safety authority pressure vessel data entry worksheet summary of report contents general information this bcsa internal use configuration tabs query control input parameter for customer contact number global used to populate the units db table manual edit columns include validation unitsdb list equipment one row per unit format is by load into s database fields definition provides a description column headings in where applicable drop down box identifies choices be cell note colour coding green are mandatory that must provided white optional bulk loading can proceed without field having value new registrations vs updates existing these identified blank unitnumber assumed update registration if spreadsheet will system and included same alterations expert do not delete columnsinserting may cause errors import please discuss requirements other with on safe approach adding you add affecting capability boilers refrigration refrigeration o amp p capacity boiler refr...

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