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picture1_Business Expense Spreadsheet 41811 | Quick Exp Report

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File: Business Expense Spreadsheet 41811 | Quick Exp Report
quick employee expense report university of san diego office of accounts payable please fill out information highlighted in yellow funding information 1 employeepayee information employeepayee name usd ext prepared by ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 15 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Quick employee expense report university of san diego office accounts payable please fill out information highlighted in yellow funding employeepayee name usd ext prepared by if not payee payment type select here date general description provide a the within documentation backup and receipts attached to this also include business purpose for each that adequately describes as necessary reasonable appropriate should answer five basic questions who was involved what activity performed why done when did occur where take place poets project organization task source b required details merchant expenditure amount totals payments total owed approvals i certify s itemized herein have been reviewed are accurate allowable an it is my budgetary authority approve typeprint signature authorization supervisor g c accounting use only ap approved stamp received emailed questionsconcerns exception policy procedure ach confirmation...

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