sheet 1 macro fy18 work plan may 2017 to april 2018 macroeconomic management ta area objective country macroeconomic programming amp analysis logframe outcome targeted activity may 2017 april 2018 number ...
Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 15 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet macro fy work plan may to april macroeconomic management ta area objective country programming amp analysis logframe outcome targeted activity number of missions activities milestones comments planned date experts in persondays pftac resident advisors st total improved policy advice government and central bank samoa quality frequency surveillance policyresearch available for policymaking develop gdp forecasting methodology a framework is set up dec threeyear forecasts real by industries the deflator are produced ministry finance committee established shared with other institutions eg revenue jun produces publishes official tbd tuvalu developed sept july claus regional workshop on compiling an interdisciplinary facilitated oct participants identify priority areas improving compilation will be organized collaboration rsquo s sector statistics advisor october fishing revenues feb mediumterm projections jointly ministries marine authorities out countries pfm february incorporating de...