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picture1_Financial Spreadsheet 41683 | Finrep National Accounting Framework

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File: Financial Spreadsheet 41683 | Finrep National Accounting Framework
annex iv effective from 1 january 2022 annex iv reporting financial information according to national accounting frameworks finrep templates for gaap template template name of the template or of the ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 15 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Annex iv effective from january reporting financial information according to national accounting frameworks finrep templates for gaap template name of the or group number code part balance sheet statement f assets liabilities equity profit loss comprehensive income breakdown by instrument and counterparty sector held trading nontrading mandatorily at fair value through designated other amortised cost subordinated nonderivative measured a costbased method loans advances than sale product nonfinancial corporations nace codes subject impairment that are past due under loan commitments guarantees offbalance exposures given received derivatives economic hedges hedge type risk hedging instruments portfolio hedged items in movements allowances provisions credit losses transfers between stages gross basis presentation collateral obtained taking possession during period accumulated hierarchy derecognition associated with transferred selected interest expenses gains on not administrative reconci...

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