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picture1_Contractor Excel Template 41675 | Trans B 07 Asphalt Mix Design And Jmf Summary Sheet

picture2_Contractor Excel Template 41675 | Trans B 07 Asphalt Mix Design And Jmf Summary Sheet picture3_Contractor Excel Template 41675 | Trans B 07 Asphalt Mix Design And Jmf Summary Sheet

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File: Contractor Excel Template 41675 | Trans B 07 Asphalt Mix Design And Jmf Summary Sheet
b07 (Blank) Alberta Transportation ASPHALT MIX DESIGN AND JOB MIX FORMULA SUMMARY SHEET SECTION A Project Identification Information Contract No Highway Region Contractor Hw XXxx Project From Project ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 15 Aug 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Sheet b blank alberta transportation asphalt mix design and job formula summary section a project identification information contract no highway region contractor hw xxxx from to consultant qa review pit name location blend sand marshall specified type date submitted ddmmmyear rap source properties combined aggregate recommendations bulk specific gravity virgin content absorption total manufactured fines in portion density kgm two face fractures air voids one vma detrimental matter vfa plasticity index theoretical film thickness fine angularity stability n flow mm grade tensile strength ratio antistrip supplier tsr with if applicable liquid additive list for dropdown bar c use here select either or change agg gradation passing proportions coarse natural chips form new target ac thick value calculated based upon jmf other included the original must meet criteria reviewed by first lot signature remarks note complete entire submissions comment on what occurred product any warm additives e...
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