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picture1_Business Expense Spreadsheet 41527 | Ic First Year Startup Budget Calculator 10995

 249x       Filetype XLSX       File size 0.32 MB       Source: www.smartsheet.com

File: Business Expense Spreadsheet 41527 | Ic First Year Startup Budget Calculator 10995
sheet 1 firstyear budget calculator firstyear startup budget calculator business personal firstyear budget calculations business expense startup cost monthly cost estimated business income yearly total estimated personal income yearly total ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 15 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet firstyear budget calculator startup business personal calculations expense cost monthly estimated income yearly total incomeexpenses generaladmin household costs onetime banking fees available cashsavingsother consult office supplies expenses employment recurring yr mo license ndash permanent selfcare insurance salarieswages food other bonus pay clothing increases care benefits child operations education travel recruitment entertainment laundry transportation medical profitloss cleaning services amp dental subscriptions casual kitchenettecoffeesnacks cash savingsother kitchenette equipment balance home marketingpromo rentlease advertising phone promo internet yearend electric gas watersewage websitemobile app waste removal domain repairmaintenance hosting homerental security occupancy fuel service partsmaintenance registration recyclingshredding tollstransit passes property additional vacation gifting charity tithing inventory pets starting replacement of goods automotive operati...

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