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picture1_Training Program Excel Template 41439 | October 2019

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File: Training Program Excel Template 41439 | October 2019
irene athletics club training program duration monday 30 sep to 27 oct 2019 short term goal to improve on our speed over shorter distances long term goal to complete a ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 15 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Irene athletics club training program duration monday sep to oct short term goal improve on our speed over shorter distances long complete a marathon by the end of day date comment mon sepcore and strength hour session legend tue km tt time trial refer terminology wed x m hills repeats warm up before wu easy jog thu min lsd cd cool down fri rest slow distance sat capital classic race max hr or age sun minutestime not core as mim quality sprintsinterval tempo effort level for all enquiries regarding jacaranda irenerunnercoza call me this month is about marathons last year it also s th anniversary tour nambibia run hangana hake those who running need be manageing their please help make event success we owe community supporting races tbc silver guidelines bill rowan bronze sub minutes farm h helpers...

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