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picture1_Training Program Excel Template 41438 | June 2021

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File: Training Program Excel Template 41438 | June 2021
irene athletics club training program duration monday 31 may to 4 july 2021 short term goal to achieve short term goals over the next few months complete the your chosen ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 15 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Irene athletics club training program duration monday may to july short term goal achieve goals over the next few months complete your chosen comrades virtual run distance long improve fitness attain distancepb challenge keep attending popupruns day date activity distancetime comment mon maycore and strength hour session at clubhouse legend tue juntime trial social b km i a time refer terminology wed junmidweek mins lsd easy wu warm up jog thu junhill repeats x m mwarm before cd cool down fri junrest rest slow of max hr male or female age sat junirene popuprun series min minutestime not sun junalpha centurion champs join acrw for their as juncore hills quality sprints tempo effort level disttime beginner intermediate advanced jun all enquiries regarding junlsd runners irenerunnercoza call whatsapp me on juncomrades marathon th year this is guideline that can be followed whatever it has basic elements are required in contact if you have more specific requirement stage should started tap...

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