sheet 1 disclaimer california department of forestry and fire protection nbsp office of the state fire marshal state fire training notice re collection of personal information the office of the ...
Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 15 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet disclaimer california department of forestry and fire protection nbsp office the state marshal training notice re collection personal information osfm is charged with administration implementation service education program cfstep established by health safety code section et seq pursuant to maintains students participating in for enrollment fee purposes are required provide following items participate bull full legal name electronic mail address mailing failure this will result student not being allowed provided herein be used communicating directly through us postal serviceelectronic providing curriculum fees paid participation other communications regarding each s educational progress validating individual prevent duplicate or illegitimate registration tracking ensure that meeting requirements certifying successful completion objectives it anticipated collected disclosed solely personnel administering respective instructors have a right access records pertaining their maintained...