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picture1_Excel Sample Sheet 41182 | Athletic Pe Framework Documentation 2014

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File: Excel Sample Sheet 41182 | Athletic Pe Framework Documentation 2014
sheet 1 sheet1 strand 1 movement concepts football basketball cross country track cheer dance volleyball softball soccer baseball tennis golf strand 1 movement concepts swimming wrestling mc1pel1 critique movement in ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 15 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet strand movement concepts football basketball cross country track cheer dance volleyball softball soccer baseball tennis golf swimming wrestling mcpel critique in a variety of activities by utilizing technology using video from practices and performances reviewing the videos to analyze movements execution use analysis inform athletes proper techniques passing shooting dribbling defensive slides offense strategy serving setting hitting assisit identifying technique corrections throwing pitching skills games body shape balance while striking ball performance strategies mc pel identify apply associated with participation dynamic warmups weight lifting speed training position specific dynamice warm ups agility plyometrics plyometric strength stretching running breathing skill drills students will demonstrate endurance through varity which concept is utilized each activity match game walkthrough situationspecific group discussion impact various situations on play scrimmage stopstart po...

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