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picture1_Spreadsheet For Expenses 40922 | Living Costs Lakechapala Own1

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File: Spreadsheet For Expenses 40922 | Living Costs Lakechapala Own1
sheet 1 household budget cost of living lake chapala mexico quot owning a home quot income budget actual difference currency usd main income social security 1 30000 alexpayback from castillo ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 14 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet household budget cost of living lake chapala mexico quot owning a home income actual difference currency usd main social security alexpayback from castillo additonal add if you have other monthly total calculation has been based on person situation who own with basic requirements we left blank fields for to fill in require any additional expenses not listed this thanks starting balance alex solana visata net less value the cell is negative mean that ve spent more than budgeted end month includes added highlights red color amount lower and also when property tax propane telephone internet maid cleaning hours week gardener once electricity owners insurance stratacondo fees please condominium exp daily groceries calculated people fund movies get togethers hellip se descuenta para mayo transportation gasfuel registration aproximate mexican plated entertainment netflix access note both instalation costs aside montly subscription shaw canada dish network usa health doctors medicine che...

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