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picture1_Financial Spreadsheet 40267 | 20111129000482 En

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File: Financial Spreadsheet 40267 | 20111129000482 En
sheet 1 baseinformation document information document title third quarterly report amendment no document creation date 11292011 restatement of comparative financial statements yes current fiscal year quarter or halfyear quarter or ...

icon picture XLS Filetype Excel XLS | Posted on 14 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet baseinformation document information title third quarterly report amendment no creation date restatement of comparative financial statements yes current fiscal year quarter or halfyear last the before ordinal number period start end status audit type review auditor name deloitte anfin llc opinion exception unqualified indentification code entity central indexkey registrant hyundai merchant marine co ltd legal registration month december employee person stockholders standard industry address yeonjidong jongnogu seoul korea homepage wwwhmmcom domestic exchange listed company on krx stock market international na reporting currency isocode krw unit million author telephonenumber fax email disclosure officer yong chan sohn vice president ycsohn hmmcom contact je gap mun assistant manager jgmun form statement position currentnoncurrent comprehensive income a for by function expense other after tax cash flows direct method consolidated finan fy assets and equivalents trade receivables a...

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