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picture1_Report Excel Template 40187 | Pslobankwideawarddatafy1910619

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File: Report Excel Template 40187 | Pslobankwideawarddatafy1910619
prior review contracts under bankfinanced projects contract detail report by supplier country us country borrower country last data update 01062020 fiscal year region country major sectoproc categproc meth proc type ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 14 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Prior review contracts under bankfinanced projects contract detail report by supplier country us borrower last data update fiscal year region major sectoproc categproc meth proc type proj id lncr agreement typcontract ctr sign dasupplier nasupp ctry amount afr africa agriculture civil worksrfb p regional past ida lot constru china geo muga servicmuga servicuganda a con sarick conssarick consuganda natra uganndatra uganudganda excel consexcel egiss bobeegiss bobeuganda cons bap engineebap engineeuganda const ambreco hoambreco houganda zhonghoa ozhonghoa ouganda consultantcds reg great la recrutement consortiumconsortiumcongo demo elaboration d turcotte pturcotte pcanada ibrahima diibrahima diunited state contractualus iita congo contractualu veterinaireveterinairebelgium instituts deinstituts den igeria consultantindv swiofish procurement mario eduamario eduamozambique mcs technica andre vincandre vincfrance consultantqcbs feasibility s impacto proimpacto promozambique consulgal csonsul...

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