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picture1_Estimate Format In Excel 40183 | Attachment 4   City Created Price Proposal Template 0

 168x       Filetype XLSX       File size 0.12 MB       Source: sfgov.org

Estimate Format In Excel 40183 | Attachment 4 City Created Price Proposal Template 0
proposal template department  sourcing event id  proposer s name instructions proposers shall complete all yellow cells in their entirety and bid on all items in this worksheet failure to  ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 14 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet total fixed cost deliverables attachment city created price proposal template department sourcing event id proposer s name instructions proposers shall complete all yellow cells in their entirety and bid on items this worksheet failure to do so will result a rejected the lowest quot project be deemed proposed may not exceeded during contract term other direct costs evaluated nor reimbursed as part of defined scope based activity description estimate submission date days after notice proceed task specific activities deliverable invoiceable amount time amp materials for lines within each aggregate prices exclusive sales tax that line est annual qty unit measure offered extended desktop support hr software development odcs travel expenses outside bay area example only reprographics mail specialty computer hardware or field equipment laboratory tests permits directly incurred performing work qualify odc used evaluate eligible reimbursement are subject preapproval writing by markups e...

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