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picture1_Free Excel Construction Templates 40177 | C Lotcip   Sample Cost Estimate Form

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File: Free Excel Construction Templates 40177 | C Lotcip Sample Cost Estimate Form
sheet 1 lotcip estimate template construction cost estimate lotcip application project name town name major and minor contract items item no item unit quantity unit total cost 100 100 100 ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 14 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet lotcip estimate template construction cost application project name town major and minor contract items item no unit quantity total a subtotal b of line quot c other allowances clearing grubbing m amp p traffic mobilization staking d e inflation costs simple method date nov anticipated bid annual f g rounded to nearest summary contingencies incidentals row ls na utilities ctdot funding commitment difference div suggested individual see website for additional information solicitation costunit pavement hma inch lt tons ton gt subbase cy processed aggregate base rolled gravel formation subgrade sy cut bituminous lf concrete material tack coat gal milling bit reclamation maximum depth recycling removal earthwork earth excavation less than more rock borrow drainage catch basin ea double grate complex cm top reset manhole new abandon or class bedding riprap trench deep in paved ditch sedimentation control system chamber x rc pipe culvert end guide rail metal beam type rb anchorage brid...

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