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picture1_Financial Spreadsheet 40166 | Introduction To Usg Chart Of Accounts For P Simplemenation Research Focus

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File: Financial Spreadsheet 40166 | Introduction To Usg Chart Of Accounts For P Simplemenation Research Focus
chart of accounts overview uga will implement a new chart of accounts with its implemenation of peoplesoft 92 financials uga will begin using peoplesoft 92 financials ps on july 1 ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 14 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Chart of accounts overview uga will implement a new with its implemenation peoplesoft financials begin using ps on july the aligns university system georgia usg httpwwwusgedubusiness procedures manualsectionc was developed input from research institutions it provide greater flexibility improved reporting and additional options as compared to historical is an important foundation provides basis building blocks for financial accounting be key successful implementation have that useful significantly long period time but also grow change needs organization in addition this document prepared june session which focused please make use conversion tool other resources available online at httpwwwbusfinugaeduchartconversionhtm we would like hear you your meet requirements questions or submit those items onesource ugaedu include coa subject line character account number plus digit object code general ledger recording transactions contains groups alphanumeric characters information about meeting v...

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