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picture1_Bahasa Inggris Pdf 39763 | 95 101 1 Pb

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File: Bahasa Inggris Pdf 39763 | 95 101 1 Pb
simposium nasional ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi simnasiptek 2016 isbn 978 602 61268 0 1 sistem informasi edukasi bahasa inggris berbasis web untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa 1 2 3 jayyin nisa ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Diposting 14 Aug 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Simposium nasional ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi simnasiptek isbn sistem informasi edukasi bahasa inggris berbasis web untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa jayyin nisa amarulloh miftah farid adiwisastra yani sri mulyani amik bsi tasikmalaya jayyinnisa gmail com universitas mow ac id ymn abstract english is the international language which already to be mastered by everyone in this age almost all aspects of life need even require that any person can master but there are still many people who find them difficult for various reasons utilizing technology development information and communications nowadays author intends create an education website with waterfall method so get knowledge teaching easily inexpensively without having come state institutions formal or non also independent users because they do not have face a tutor teacher addition presence learn anywhere anytime contains subject matter elementary school middle covering grammar tenses vocab grain text images videos articles ...

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