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File: Bahasa Inggris Pdf 39703 | 455656 None 64a37f93
jurnal fakultas keguruan ilmu pendidikan vol 2 no 3 oktober 2021 e issn 2746 2196 p issn 2746 7740 the effectiveness of grammar bahasa inggris application in improving students grammar ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Diposting 14 Aug 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Jurnal fakultas keguruan ilmu pendidikan vol no oktober e issn p the effectiveness of grammar bahasa inggris application in improving students jajat imanudin and darojatun qurotu a yun universitas islam al ihya kuningan email imanudinjajat gmail com ddhanifaaaolfa info artikel abstract masuk september this study was done to find review revisi on simple present tense which observed analyzed kata kunci from grade ten smk darul ulum method used quantitative researcher took be sample using random sampling two groups consist eight for experimental group control before giving treatment writer gave pre test after are taught by without it finally post is given then t result showed that higher than table means h accepted while rejected can summarized there significant different between writers concluded effective improve specially introduction one problems many learning english they often confuse feel doubt making sentences indonesia as foreign language course has distinguished indonesian maste...

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