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picture1_Ilmu Politik Pdf 38722 | 315347 Konsep Ekonomi Politik Dalam Perspektif 44ff558f

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File: Ilmu Politik Pdf 38722 | 315347 Konsep Ekonomi Politik Dalam Perspektif 44ff558f
fauzi et al jurnal ekonomi syariah dan terapan vol 6 no 1 januari 2019 154 169 konsep ekonomi politik dalam perspektif ilmu khaldun konsep ekonomi politik dalam perspektif ibnu khaldun ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Diposting 13 Aug 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Fauzi et al jurnal ekonomi syariah dan terapan vol no januari konsep politik dalam perspektif ilmu khaldun ibnu moh qudsi departemen fakultas bisnis universitas airlangga email alifalinsany gmail com muhammad alif insany abstract this research aimed to find out the political economy concepts that existed in ibn kdogxq v wkrxjkwv wkurxjk kls magnum opus of muqaddimah which was a part ibar book used literature study method by studying related data interpretation has been made using historical analysis technique consists periodization stages based on life and descriptive is thoughts showed economics politics have relation since past especially span his about such as production work division wage theory like these were firstly presented before classical period economists did therefore are essential further provide suggestions for economic studies islamic keywords i pendahuluan menyebabkan maraknya transaksi yang ada beberapa alasan penyebab berbasis spekulasi tanpa pijakan riil kesenjangan...

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