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...E dimas jurnal pengabdian kepada masyarakat issn print dan online available at http journal upgris ac id index php pelatihan tenun tingkat pemula pada kelompok palas kelurahan tanjung kota dumai isa elfianto brasto galih nugroho diaz anthera fajar miftakhul rizqy communication relations csr pt pertamina refinery unit ii gmail com received mei revised desember accepted februari abstract the weaving fabric is one of unique craft from melayu culture that well known in province riau people city have attention for preserving example urban village east sub district on other hand new group who has problems entrepreneurship lack knowledge and skills making so initiates beginner level training corporate social responsibility program goal this improving stages technically including planning organizing implementing evaluating methods consist lecture practice days followed by participants addition targets are focused participation rate capacity improvement keywords community empowerment abstrak ka...