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picture1_Pertanian Pdf 37505 | Jurnal Agrotech

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File: Pertanian Pdf 37505 | Jurnal Agrotech
agritech vol xxii no 2 desember 2019 p issn 1411 1063 e issn 2580 5002 terakreditasi peringkat 4 no 21 e kpt 2018 kajian proses pembelajaran dalam penyuluhan pertanian untuk ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Diposting 12 Aug 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Agritech vol xxii no desember p issn e terakreditasi peringkat kpt kajian proses pembelajaran dalam penyuluhan pertanian untuk meningkatkan kompetensi kewirausahaan petani jagung di kabupaten grobogan provinsi jawa tengah yuniar aviati dan teguh endaryanto jurusan agribisnis fakultas universitas lampung jl brodjonegoro gedung meneng bandar kode pos email yuniarafiati yahoo com abstract corn cultivation requires farmers human resources hr who have entrepreneurial competence mastered the technical knowledge of farming and management a competent farmer makes creative innovative as an entrepreneur in agriculture agricultural extension non formal education for is means to improve skills this study uses qualitative method with observation participation group activities addition focus discussion fgd also used determine efforts made improving aspects learning results found that process were material interaction between workers methods evaluation factors can increase are social institutions com...

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