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picture1_Contoh Presentasi Bisnis Produk 235 | Pelatihan Kewirausahaan Pemasaran Produk Makanan Dan Reseller

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File: Contoh Presentasi Bisnis Produk 235 | Pelatihan Kewirausahaan Pemasaran Produk Makanan Dan Reseller
abdine jurnal pengabdian kepada masyarakat vol 01 no 01 juni 2021 hal 20 25 p issn 2798 2882 e issn 2798 2890 pelatihan kewirausahaan bina bisnis online pemasaran produk makanan ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Diposting 08 Dec 2021 | 3 thn lalu
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...Abdine jurnal pengabdian kepada masyarakat vol no juni hal p issn e pelatihan kewirausahaan bina bisnis online pemasaran produk makanan dan reseller untuk kelompok perwiridan al mubarok devit satria muhammad arif elisa hafrida sekolah tinggi teknologi dumai program studi teknik informatika industri stt mail devitsatriasttd gmail com pakarifmt hafridae abstract based on the results of field observations and interviews january with partners namely an association wirid women named in bukit nenas village members mothers who have several desires a good business marketing become to increase their income so far it looks more like posting wa groups fb or ig status as usual there is also manufacture food products only activities whose are not optimal according recognition these activity participants were very enthusiastic take part this evidenced by timely arrival entrepreneurship training was conducted for residents nenasl rt be able participate world selling producing wet dry other can design...

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