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picture1_Cost Sheet Format In Excel 33777 | Organic Infrastructure Program  Final Report Template

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File: Cost Sheet Format In Excel 33777 | Organic Infrastructure Program Final Report Template
sheet 1 final report organic infrastructure program oip end of project final report as detailed in the shared cost agreement between the province and the recipient the province requires the ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 10 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet final report organic infrastructure program oip end of project as detailed in the shared cost agreement between province and recipient requires to submit a on performance this excel form can be filled electronically sent ministry by email at organicsfund govbcca electronic signatures your name only not actual signature image will certify information contained complete all beige boxes below with relevant from please note that three sections reporting template outcomes general environmental must completed section i ndash proponent lgis title date projectstarted yyyymmdd population within jurisdiction community regional district etc served ii description provide should reference originally approved explain if how scope has changed descriptionattach no more than photos descriptions dates submitted jpg or pdf formatthe reserves right use share these where appropriate iii costs variance total eligible there is an explanation did receive funding another provincial federal government gra...

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