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picture1_Report Excel Template 33711 | Fy17 Cap Template For Ips Final

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File: Report Excel Template 33711 | Fy17 Cap Template For Ips Final
corrective action plan cap for the dod improper payments program organization point of contact identify the primary point of contact for improper payments issue description of issue describe the reason ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 10 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Corrective action plan cap for the dod improper payments program organization point of contact identify primary issue description describe reason ie audit recommendation noncompliance or actual if applicable include report title and number specific language from otherwise directing actions eg no statistically valid sampling incomplete untimely payment testing reporting etc administrative process error medical necessity insufficient documentation to determine root cause s true issuance example is a it not why they occur this section should errors resulting causes are underlying issues that reasonably identifiable can be controlled by management require implementing mitigate impacted fiscal year identified in which was made occurred use following format fy briefly will taken address remediate clearly linked addressing implementation date reasonable achievable owner individual responsible remediation milestones achieve milestone target completion results task provide achieved each highlev...

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