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picture1_Excel Sample Sheet 33678 | Pe01 05 Invoice Samples And Wraparound Reporting

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File: Excel Sample Sheet 33678 | Pe01 05 Invoice Samples And Wraparound Reporting
sheet 1 instructions invoice instructions for pe 0105 local active monitoring 1 include all required elements on the invoice including lpha contract number 2 send all invoices to ohaphdexpendrevreport dhsohastateorus ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 10 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet instructions invoice for pe local active monitoring include all required elements on the including lpha contract number send invoices to ohaphdexpendrevreport dhsohastateorus should be submitted at least quarterly but preferred monthly final no later than january funding under this is period of march december amendments will issued after are reviewed and approved payment once agreement executed activity areas requirements a base does not need invoiced ohaphd funds distributed each within two weeks being by oha b fee service items detailed below with supporting documentation cases use per case includes orpheus id do patient name or other hipaa protected information c wraparound services total amount due category description detailing vendor paid purchased dates purchase descriptions housing such as hotels motels cleaning food d transportation e communications cell phones f health care selfmonitoring supplies covered insurance g child reimbursable costs car payments credit cards st...

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