The words contained in this file might help you see if this file matches what you are looking for:
...Sheet summary reporting period quarter mce name quarterly fraud abuse and waste activity report recovery by q recoveries ytd category dollar amount identified recovered medicaid health plan initiated pi audit oha referral settlement dollars provider dental non emergent medical transportation behavioral fqhc rhc tc pharmacy total mceadministered sanctions fines sanctionsfines imposed received other line field definitions the directions provided below provide further detail on requirements for each tab of this a complete all tabs must be completed with accurate information description applicable workbook fiscal year state in yyyyyy format ex details column qq b internal tracking number identifier used to monitor case or program integrity c type d tax id s e providerentity full entity being reported including any known quot dba f dmap g npi if national h date detected issue was first mmddyyyy i j allegation indicate whether k primary main alleged l secondary m detection tool detect n prel...