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picture1_Financial Spreadsheet 33628 | Small Business Grant Templatxlsx

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File: Financial Spreadsheet 33628 | Small Business Grant Templatxlsx
sheet 1 instructions city of melbourne small business grants 2017 instructions for completing projected financial templates the tabs on the right are templates for profit amp loss statement balance sheet ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 10 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet instructions city of melbourne small business grants for completing projected financial templates the tabs on right are profit amp loss statement balance and cash flow statementthese used as a guide only give an indication details required applicants have option to submit their own statements that contain similar amount or use these complete projections regardless you please provide sufficient assumptionsnotes support data note periods all two years sheets ended year in month when starts reliability accuracy responsibility make sure submitted accurate reasonable should reflect results flows forecasts yearly period if during whereas is be with monthly under assumptions where indicated encouraged explain how amounts been determined entry enter cells highlighted green not formulated overwritten new lines can inserted preserve formulas click insert line item besides detailed equally important our assessment purpose any discrepancies eg does explanations lossyear company name abn numb...

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