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picture1_Excel Sample Sheet 33622 | Rsanl2012

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File: Excel Sample Sheet 33622 | Rsanl2012
sheet 1 cover maine retail sales report annual review 2012 governor s office of policy and management march 1 2013 sheet 2 intro introduction this report contains data on taxable ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 10 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet cover maine retail sales report annual review governor s office of policy and management march intro introduction this contains data on taxable as derived from state tax collections the uses revenue services to produce these represent not amount collected are categorized by type store in which they take place product sold for example kitchen utensils at a supermarket appear under quot food rather than general merchandise consumer is sum six storetype groups building supply etc total business operating unqiue category published pages includes utility heating oil commercial industrial establishments when interpreting tables readers should keep mind that intended home consumption taxed reflects nonfood items typically about actual stores if you have questions please contact trs economic statistical district area totals annualized percentage change androscoggin farmington lewiston sub livermore paris rangeley rumford cumberland portland sebago lake eastern me bar harbor blue hill cal...

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