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picture1_Report Excel Template 33518 | Ghg Emission Factors Hub

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File: Report Excel Template 33518 | Ghg Emission Factors Hub
red text indicates an update emission factors for greenhouse gas inventories from the 2021 version of this document last modified 01 april 2022 emission factors for greenhouse gas inventories last ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 10 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Red text indicates an update emission factors for greenhouse gas inventories from the version of this document last modified april typically emissions are reported in units carbon dioxide equivalent co e gases converted to by multiplying their global warming potential gwp listed have not been do so multiply corresponding table below year ch no source intergovernmental panel on climate change ipcc fourth assessment report ar see note further explanation stationary combustion fuel type heat content hhv factor mmbtu per short ton kg g n o coal and coke anthracite bituminous subbituminous lignite mixed commercial sector electric power industrial coking other fuels solid municipal waste petroleum plastics tires biomass agricultural byproducts peat wood residuals...

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