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picture1_Electronic Spread Sheet 33385 | 27 19 Ch3 Att1 Twc

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File: Electronic Spread Sheet 33385 | 27 19 Ch3 Att1 Twc
sheet 1 dev section subsection data element no data element name data type field length data element definitionsinstructions code value state source documentation requirements twist record register workintexascom element migration ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 10 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet dev section subsection data element no name type field length definitionsinstructions code value state source documentation requirements twist record register workintexascom migration to validation rule wagnerpeyser wioa adults dislocated workers youth worker grants dwg taa incumbent adultdw funded a individual information equal opportunity date of birth dt the participant s yyyymmdd copy must be maintained in paper or electronic format certificate mdash preferred method nbsp other acceptable sources official records showing b id c baptismal d dd e report transfer discharge f driver rsquo license g federal local identification card h passport i hospital j public assistancesocial service k school cards l work permit and m tribal document issued by government agency such as documents from texas department criminal justice with included into health human services commission hhsc tdcj intake common characteristics y r disability if indicates that heshe has any quot rdquo defined amer...

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