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picture1_Excel Sample Sheet 33376 | Certificate Of Compliance

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File: Excel Sample Sheet 33376 | Certificate Of Compliance
sheet 1 sheet1 certificate of compliance state of nevada effective date august 1 2014 section topic document comments reference to cric interpretations description is this requirement met by law regulation ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 10 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet certificate of compliance state nevada effective date august section topic document comments reference to cric interpretations description is this requirement met by law regulation or administrative practice yes no enter na when not applicable if so provide the citation for legal authority statute case etc sst conforming changes dates notes eg practices noncompliance explanations level administration does and local sales use taxes nrs are sellers purchasers only required register with file returns remit funds a statelevel b collection any distribute them appropriate taxing jurisdictions audits conducted others authorized conduct an audit that includes both prohibited from conducting independent tax except where all subject same confidentiality other protections appeal procedures granted base identical excluding federal prohibitions motor vehicles aircraft watercraft modular homes manufactured mobile fuels used power locomotives electricity piped natural artificial gas delivered s...

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