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picture1_Spreadsheet For Expenses 33320 | Cmsw Stabilize Financial Worksheet

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File: Spreadsheet For Expenses 33320 | Cmsw Stabilize Financial Worksheet
stabilize program financial worksheet stabilize program section f financial worksheet organization name section c business total funding request for operationaloverhead costs case package refer to for office use only below ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 10 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Stabilize program financial worksheet section f organization name c business total funding request for operationaloverhead costs case package refer to office use only below revenue information should align with the two most recent boardapprovedaudited statements up and including march statement federal provincial municipalcounty fundraisingdonations fees other revenuefunding list by source ongoing operational eligible expenses utilities electricity gas water wastewater internet or phone landlines repairs maintenance regular rent current equipment leases photocopiers vehicle etc insurance must be related facility administration programming advertising marketing communication salaries excluding professional player approved department of year choose one amount will your cbusiness classification public xd...

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