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picture1_Budget List Template 33097 | Ccm Generic Dashboard En

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File: Budget List Template 33097 | Ccm Generic Dashboard En
sheet 1 menu dashboard grant no v10 sheet 2 list of indicators financial information name definition measurement data sources f1 budget and disbursements by global fund cumulative budget sum of ...

icon picture XLS Filetype Excel XLS | Posted on 09 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet menu dashboard grant no v list of indicators financial information name definition measurement data sources f budget and disbursements by global fund cumulative sum the from period one quarter trimester or semester current phase up to including reporting periodcumulative disbursments gf all funds transferred either pr paid directly suppliers eg drugs equipment bed nets dasboard currency euro ndash figures refer for periods banking accounting tgf disbursment notification pudr website actual expenditures objective per expenditure amounts spent plus srs beginning bull disbursement prior this but not during total reported as being andor disbursed sub recipients perioddisbursements amount srsreporting in periodsr sr which refers before reports latest cycle days taken submit final lfa indicator measures number calendar it took send a performance update request after end would be did require any further clarifications prthe expected value is defined agreement date on sent reach s accoun...

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