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picture1_Excel Sample Sheet 33003 | Schedule20annexaminimummanagementinformationrequirement1

 131x       Filetype XLSX       File size 0.03 MB       Source: www.ons.gov.uk

File: Excel Sample Sheet 33003 | Schedule20annexaminimummanagementinformationrequirement1
sheet 1 indicators typepurpose indicator per day cumulative to date per partner per regioncountry per wave per visit number description resource field staff headcount forecast to be available y y ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 09 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet indicators typepurpose indicator per day cumulative to date partner regioncountry wave visit number description resource field staff headcount forecast be available y and total work accuracy percentage of who were with visits scheduled completed completion rate that have progress household target been each left after discounting those dropped out earlier success swab tests blood quality no consent ticked barcode typo errors duplicate entries issues barcodeno in the future or past carried multiple first created emails recorded productivity average sample status invitations sent acceptance households declined accepted still drop outs prior dropouts etc unique visited individual individuals call centre calls actual answered unanswered proportion callbacks outstanding topic analysis see extra info tab half hour duartion kpis critical key performance uid ckpi previous hours management information delivered authority indictors geography notes calculation kpi reporting frequency nationa...

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