File: Spreadsheet Sheets 32991 | Template Production Data
template production data fill out this document to support your annual summary and expenditure report asr it applies to both mining activities and production operations r39r41 prospecting and exploration r38r41 ...
Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 09 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Template production data fill out this document to support your annual summary and expenditure report asr it applies both mining activities operations rr prospecting exploration how many tabs spreadsheets submit one spreadsheet per permit for each tab with the field s gas oiled flared calorific values gravity well reservoir copy yellow of wells if is producing from multiple reservoirs we expect as sheets there are shut down create a in zeros test doesn t provide daily then use green they standard other compulsory fields calculated cells have grey background shouldn be filled these units cubic metres oil condensate water tonnes lpg kilopascals an absolute pressure mjm gjtonne mjkg was collected zero enter no leave blank when saving name pxy zzzz yy x type p e or m y licence l zzzzz number current year more information go httpswwwnzpamgovtnzpermitspetroleumcompliancereporting you any questions contact us at nzpam mbiegovtnz nzp fuel used extracting petroleum vented month unit january feb...