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picture1_Excel Sample Sheet 32791 | Wproductstorage

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File: Excel Sample Sheet 32791 | Wproductstorage
sheet 1 overview monthly and weekly us and regional stocks of total gasoline by type of facility eia now provides weekly estimates of us total gasoline stocks by type of ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 09 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet overview monthly and weekly us regional stocks of total gasoline by type facility eia now provides estimates storage bulk terminals pipelines refineries this information is a temporary addition to the petroleum status report wpsr in order help stakeholders assess market conditions we will recent stock levels historical also compare current with interpolated from data for same week previous three years united states padd subpadd east coast operators oil produce processing crude other feedstocks blending importers supply produced outside at ports entry tankers barges transport terminal facilities receive store ship products quantities blend components biofuels finished load trucks that retail outlets pipeline usually refer product volume stored during barrels fill are not available because typically need remain full operate refinery include be transported tanker barge or rail later distributed truck count as demand measured supplied therefore consider key measure assessing supplies...

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