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picture1_Excel Sample Sheet 32749 | C 0002595 Supplier Self Audit Checklist Revision B

 169x       Filetype XLSX       File size 0.19 MB       Source: www.creationtech.com

File: Excel Sample Sheet 32749 | C 0002595 Supplier Self Audit Checklist Revision B
sheet 1 instructions assessment date lt enter audit date gt confidential supplier name lt enter supplier gt supplier lt enter supplier gt step instruction 1 enter assessment date supplier name ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 09 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet instructions assessment date lt enter audit gt confidential supplier name step instruction and on this tab data will replicate to the applicable remaining locations shall evaluate rate themselves for each item along trend progression path using ratings from rating score is be entered in box right of under heading labeled quot scores are as whole numbers only no partial credit recognized within s based ability demonstrate that they meet comply with all expectations listed corresponding requirements able provide objective evidence compliance section page total items appear lower hand corner identify requiring improvement develop a corrective action plan address deficiencies creation follow same steps customer perspective selfassessment validation compared gain an understanding differences depending final may have designated time period not meeting creations expectation required improvements proprietary middot nbsp document technologies replication or publication outside it understo...

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